I'd been asked to speak at a networking event for book publishers in Northern Ireland,which I didn't do. I'm that shy and retiring and feel comfortable hiding behind a big blog-wall. I'd also noticed more and more press releases and invites to numerous events in my inbox from book publishers. To add to this it seemed to me there was a gap that wasn't being filled, interesting information about books and authors from N.I. that could be shared. So I started http://www.BooksNI.BizAt the time when I chose the domain name BooksNI.BIZ I noticed that the domain name BooksNI.COM directed me to The Colourpoint Group's website I then set up BooksNI.BIZ I've since discovered that the Colourpoint Group also own booksni.org, books-ni.org, books-ni.com and booksni.co.uk. BooksNI.NET however has been registered by another Northern Irish publisher. I was in discussions with the team from Colourpoint to see if we could merge this blog BooksNI.BIZ with their site and was made an offer to write
One article 300-500 words a month, topic TBDOne column of review shorts (five or six pars each of four to six books – bni to provide the review copies)One column of literary news briefs (two to three pars each, as many as you deem appropriate)
To add to the intrigue the Arts Council have recently pointed out on their website...
Books NI, a company comprising four Arts Council-funded organisations (Blackstaff Press, Guildhall Press, Lagan Press, Verbal Arts Centre), is in the process of developing a ‘book space’ and common branding initiative for NI-published books, with the help of a grant from the Creative Industries Innovation Fund. Further information can be obtained from James.Kerr@verbalartscentre.co.uk.
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